updike distribution logistics updike distribution logistics updike distribution logistics updike distribution logistics UpDike Distribution Logistics review
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A common complaint that truckers complain about is that trucking companies all too often hire "College Graduates" straight out of college and then have some young snot-nose kid telling a grown ass person what to do supposingly as the trucker's "Driver Manager", someone that more than likely has never been inside a Semi-Truck much less behind the wheel of one as the Driver, thus they have no idea of a Trucker's daily challenges or what's really involved in getting a load delivered to the customer on time in a orderly timely fashion.
Well at UpDike this perceived conception is doubly worse, why ?, because UpDike Distribution Logistics does not even bother to have a college degree as a prerequisite upon hire to become a "Driver Manager", instead they actually hire "High School Graduates" and place them over experienced Truckers. I've even seen at J.B. Hunt where they were hiring rental car agents from Enterprise Rental Car and turning them into Driver Managers, UpDike Distribution Logistics Driver Recruiter is an Ex-Used Car Salesman, you guessed it, Logistics, the hurdles for entry are at an all-time low, the result of these ridiculous practices ?
Here's my story:
UpDike placed one of these High School idiots quote-unquote "Over me" as my Driver Manager, this person was placing loads on me without first checking to see if I had the hours available on my federal HOS-Hours of Service clock !, This of course resulted in the load being delivered late as per federal rules a Driver can only drive when he or she has driveable hours on their clock.
Ok, grant it, situation occured, but here's the problem, load being late per UpDike Driver Manager not checking the Driver's HOS hours available is not the Driver's fault. Here is where UpDike tries to pimp the Driver and tell the Driver that "We", "We are late so we can't charge the customer for Detention Time", my response to that is that "The load is not late of any fault of mine, the load is late because you failed to check my available HOS-Hours of Service hours available in order to deliver the load on time, Rookie" !, but yet I'm suppose to sit at the docks of the receiver, Coca-Cola for fucking FREE for 5-hours while this High School Graduate that caused the problem is still at Corporate receiving a hourly wage, pure BULLSHIT, yet let him tell it, "We are late".
We my ass !, the only one that would have been taking a loss in that situation is me the "Driver", this High School Graduate was still receiving a hourly wage, yet wanted me to sit there at the customer for FREE for 5-hours, it's unbelievable actually that the United States Government even allows shit practices of such to even occur !, but eveyone wants their discounted food and discounted products for next to nothing and the trucking companies try and make that happen by consistently stealing hours from the Drivers trying to make them work for FREE, modern-day "Slavery" !, "HighWay Robbery" practically speaking !
As I told him, it's the Driver Manager's responsibility to check and make sure that the Driver has the available hours to deliver the load in a timely matter and on time BEFORE assigning the load to the Driver. I think that most of us involved in Logistics know that, not to mention that the Qualcom system that UpDike Distribution Logistics uses is so antiquated that once the truck starts rolling the Driver cannot see the hours available because the Hours screen goes away.
After UpDike Distribution Logistics had deliberately assigned loads to me the Driver that could not possibly be delivered on time resulting in the customer informing the Driver that it would be a 5-hour wait before being able to unload the Driver, UpDike actually refused to pay me the Driver "Detention Time", actually wanted me to just sit there five extra hours for FREE !
Wanting to say that "We" are late, no it's not we because it was the stupid ass High School Graduate that did not check my HOS-Hours of Service time before assigning me the load, thus it was UpDike's responsibility to pay me detention time if the customer wanted to detain me and delay me, REFUSED !
. . . . . . . and upon my pointing out that I was not late as to any accord of my doing I was told by this High School Graduate that his Boss, John Lee a Korean said to tell me to "Clean Out My Truck !", you're fired. Long story short, for requesting to be paid for my time of having to sit for 5-hours I'm fired, incredible. Maybe now you see why I label UpDike Distribution Logistics as "The Absolute Worst Trucking Company !" by no stretch of the imagination.
To any customer that does business with UpDike Distribution Logistics be it:
You are systematically enabling UpDike Distribution Logistics's "Dictatorial" abuse of it's Drivers in this matter simply by doing business with UpDike Distribution Logisitics and your company will be listed in the Labor-Relations Lawsuit that I have every intention on bringing against UpDike Distribution Logistics !
UpDike Distribution Logistics is the very epitiomy of a saying that I've developed over the course of my Trucking career which is:
"Show me a Trucking Company that does not have a union, and I'll show you a Trucking Company that's abusing it's Drivers !"
After pointing out to this High School Graduate "Driver Manager" that he obviously did not know how to perform his job correctly, I was promptly told by him to "GO FUCK YOURSELF" !, there you have it, UpDike Distribution Logistics, a very professional company, sarcastically speaking of course !
Very smart people at UpDike Distribution Logistics, telling the very person that puts food on their table, the Driver, to "GO FUCK YOURSELF !", the person getting up at 3:00am, 4:00am sleeping in a truck, peeing in a jug, going without showers, eating a unhealthy diet to "GO FUCK YOURSELF !", incredible !
Most Drivers stay out for maybe 2 to 4 weeks at a time and then go home on vacation, I never took a vacation and stayed out for 8 weeks at a time, and the appreciation that UpDike Distribution Logistics showed me for that was to tell me to "CLEAN OUT YOUR TRUCK, and let's not forget, GO FUCK YOURSELF !".
. . . . . . . . But wait, I'm not finish yet, the trucking industry has the equivalent of a credit bureau database called the DAC Report. UpDike has went as far as to try and destroy my career via listing a bunch of BullShit on my DAC Report in an effort to give negative references to any future employers:
Excessive Complaints
Failed to Report Accident
Never happen, the homeless broke my passenger window
in downtown central Los Angeles when Coca-Cola would not allow
me on property until I checked-in, which is an incident, not an accident !
All fabricated BullShit by UpDike Distribution Logistics, fortunately "HireRight" the Drivers Database has a dispute resolution process of which I've started, UpDike Distribution Logistics knows this, Obviously UpDike Distribution Logistics goal is to throw enough shit up against the wall and see what sticks, or in shorter terms, "Simply see how much problems they can cause the Driver for leaving their employment !"
WHY YOU MIGHT ASK ?, simple, because UpDike Distribution Logistics is a BULLSHIT-ASS company, if you apply for work there as a Driver you must be a really desperate ass, and if you are a customer using them same applies because there are simply too many other companies to choose from besides enabling this fucked-up company ! , and you should cancel all your contracts with them immediately for abusing Drivers !
"Jimmy Hoffa" the founder of the Teamsters Union died / disappeared fighting for the rights of "Truckers", and the same war / environment that he was fighting at that time still exists, "Drivers -vs- Corporations / Corporations -vs- Drivers", not shit has changed, Corporations are still abusing Drivers and if you are doing business with UpDike Distribution Logistics then you are part of and contributing to the the abuse of Drivers, simple !
I was born at "Womack Army Hospital, Fort Bragg Green Beret Special Forces Army Hospital", Vietnam Era !, my Father was a Decorated War Hero, Two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, 82nd Airborne Green Beret, three tours In-Country Vietnam, 6 years when his country only asked one tour of him, 2 years, eventually died of Brain Cancer after two open heart surgeries at the VA Hospital !
The only reason that I drive is because my fallen Brother was a Army Diesel Mechanic and always wanted to get his CDL and never did, upon his passing I went and got the CDL in honor of him, honestly I don't think that he knew or had any idea what it was that he was wishing for now that I've been through more than one less than reputable Trucking Company like UpDike Distribution Logistics !, by education I'm a AeroSpace STC Modifications Design Engineer, Patent Draftsman and Architectural Designer, you can check the Drawings to TERRAVITA Golf and Country Club in ScottsDale, Arizona, your find my name on them, "Honor Graduate", ITT Technical Institure / DeVry University !
My only living Brother is a Navy Nuclear Engineer out of the Navy's Nuclear Power School having served on the USS Norfolk Aircraft Carrier and the USN Jacksonville Los Angeles Class Fast Attack Submarine and has now been managing a Nuclear Power Plant for Florida Power and Light for the last 35 years !
My Mother the Military wife, half Cherokee Indian was a Surgical Technologist for 30 years and died of Lymphoma Cancer at Lawnwood Medical Center where she worked, they placed her in the Presidential Suite of the Hospital for her years of Service, upon her passing we flew her body back to Augusta, GA and all the surgeons that she worked with in the ER and Surgery flew with her body and carried her to her final resting place as her Pallbearers, all her Pallbearers were Surgeons !, she raised us not to be racists, but unfortunately I chose one of the most racist places in the USA to live, ARIZONA !
The U.S. Navy offered me and my wife the opportunity to enter Naval Intelligence as a Husband-Wife team at the age of 17 and 18 we were on delayed-entry contract, won't say anymore about that !
But I will say this, in my 55 years on this earth, I have never seen a Shasta ass company such as UpDike Distribution Logistics in my entire life !
My youngest son is a USMC Silent Drill Team Rifle Inspector and now against my wishes a Phoenix Police Officer, I would have rather seen him stay in the Marines compared to protecting these racists here in Phoenix !
Me ?, I have a 120 acre ranch here in Lake Havasu, Arizona, and a House/Home and Restaurant in Mexico south of Mexico City, have lived in Mexico now for 13 years south of the Border !, not bad for a Black America I guess !, 2 years with two Cancun Condos directly on the beach with the beach as my front yard !
. . . . . . . . when I came back to the USA after having lived in Mexico for 9 years straight, I actually had to get use to being "Black In America" again, because in Mexico it made no difference, so I imagine that I found down in Mexico exactly what I was looking for, the "Escape of Racism in the USA" !
Currently working my way back to Mexico to my home in Mexico after a 3-year deportation from Mexico for 3-years, have not seen my daughter or wife in Mexico for 3-years ! Innocently done, in Mexico when one has a child born in Mexico the Mexican Government actually gives one Mexican Citizenship, so I stopped doing the 6-month run to the border to renew my Visa, didn't know that I actually had to apply for the CitizenShip, so upon discovery that I had overstayed by 3-years Mexico deported me for 3-years, that ended last December, I can go home now !
When I go back home to Mexico now I'll have dual citizenship, 50% American and 50% Mexican !
Carl Williams
(Don Carlitos)
Here's my story:
UpDike placed one of these High School idiots quote-unquote "Over me" as my Driver Manager, this person was placing loads on me without first checking to see if I had the hours available on my federal HOS-Hours of Service clock !, This of course resulted in the load being delivered late as per federal rules a Driver can only drive when he or she has driveable hours on their clock.
Ok, grant it, situation occured, but here's the problem, load being late per UpDike Driver Manager not checking the Driver's HOS hours available is not the Driver's fault. Here is where UpDike tries to pimp the Driver and tell the Driver that "We", "We are late so we can't charge the customer for Detention Time", my response to that is that "The load is not late of any fault of mine, the load is late because you failed to check my available HOS-Hours of Service hours available in order to deliver the load on time, Rookie" !, but yet I'm suppose to sit at the docks of the receiver, Coca-Cola for fucking FREE for 5-hours while this High School Graduate that caused the problem is still at Corporate receiving a hourly wage, pure BULLSHIT, yet let him tell it, "We are late".
We my ass !, the only one that would have been taking a loss in that situation is me the "Driver", this High School Graduate was still receiving a hourly wage, yet wanted me to sit there at the customer for FREE for 5-hours, it's unbelievable actually that the United States Government even allows shit practices of such to even occur !, but eveyone wants their discounted food and discounted products for next to nothing and the trucking companies try and make that happen by consistently stealing hours from the Drivers trying to make them work for FREE, modern-day "Slavery" !, "HighWay Robbery" practically speaking !
As I told him, it's the Driver Manager's responsibility to check and make sure that the Driver has the available hours to deliver the load in a timely matter and on time BEFORE assigning the load to the Driver. I think that most of us involved in Logistics know that, not to mention that the Qualcom system that UpDike Distribution Logistics uses is so antiquated that once the truck starts rolling the Driver cannot see the hours available because the Hours screen goes away.
After UpDike Distribution Logistics had deliberately assigned loads to me the Driver that could not possibly be delivered on time resulting in the customer informing the Driver that it would be a 5-hour wait before being able to unload the Driver, UpDike actually refused to pay me the Driver "Detention Time", actually wanted me to just sit there five extra hours for FREE !
Wanting to say that "We" are late, no it's not we because it was the stupid ass High School Graduate that did not check my HOS-Hours of Service time before assigning me the load, thus it was UpDike's responsibility to pay me detention time if the customer wanted to detain me and delay me, REFUSED !
. . . . . . . and upon my pointing out that I was not late as to any accord of my doing I was told by this High School Graduate that his Boss, John Lee a Korean said to tell me to "Clean Out My Truck !", you're fired. Long story short, for requesting to be paid for my time of having to sit for 5-hours I'm fired, incredible. Maybe now you see why I label UpDike Distribution Logistics as "The Absolute Worst Trucking Company !" by no stretch of the imagination.
To any customer that does business with UpDike Distribution Logistics be it:
UpDike Distribution Logistics is the very epitiomy of a saying that I've developed over the course of my Trucking career which is:
"Show me a Trucking Company that does not have a union, and I'll show you a Trucking Company that's abusing it's Drivers !"
After pointing out to this High School Graduate "Driver Manager" that he obviously did not know how to perform his job correctly, I was promptly told by him to "GO FUCK YOURSELF" !, there you have it, UpDike Distribution Logistics, a very professional company, sarcastically speaking of course !
Very smart people at UpDike Distribution Logistics, telling the very person that puts food on their table, the Driver, to "GO FUCK YOURSELF !", the person getting up at 3:00am, 4:00am sleeping in a truck, peeing in a jug, going without showers, eating a unhealthy diet to "GO FUCK YOURSELF !", incredible !
Most Drivers stay out for maybe 2 to 4 weeks at a time and then go home on vacation, I never took a vacation and stayed out for 8 weeks at a time, and the appreciation that UpDike Distribution Logistics showed me for that was to tell me to "CLEAN OUT YOUR TRUCK, and let's not forget, GO FUCK YOURSELF !".
. . . . . . . . But wait, I'm not finish yet, the trucking industry has the equivalent of a credit bureau database called the DAC Report. UpDike has went as far as to try and destroy my career via listing a bunch of BullShit on my DAC Report in an effort to give negative references to any future employers:
Excessive Complaints
Damm right I complained about your Rookie-Ass Driver Manager
High School Graduate putting loads on me without
first checking my HOS-Hours of ServiceFailed to Report Accident
Never happen, the homeless broke my passenger window
in downtown central Los Angeles when Coca-Cola would not allow
me on property until I checked-in, which is an incident, not an accident !
No need to report shit after being told to "Clean My Truck Out !",
Upon giving resignation !
Contract terminated
Still reported the "Incident" via text upon dropping truck off at the yard.
Still reported the "Incident" via text upon dropping truck off at the yard.
Company Policy Violation
Who knows what the hell type of BullShit UpDike Distruibution Logistics
is trying to trump up there to screw the Driver, God Only Knows !
Unsatisfactory Safety Record
Doesn't Exist, Pure BULLSHIT, Fabricated !
No Tickets, Clean MVR, No DOT Inspections !
No Tickets, Clean MVR, No DOT Inspections !
All fabricated BullShit by UpDike Distribution Logistics, fortunately "HireRight" the Drivers Database has a dispute resolution process of which I've started, UpDike Distribution Logistics knows this, Obviously UpDike Distribution Logistics goal is to throw enough shit up against the wall and see what sticks, or in shorter terms, "Simply see how much problems they can cause the Driver for leaving their employment !"
WHY YOU MIGHT ASK ?, simple, because UpDike Distribution Logistics is a BULLSHIT-ASS company, if you apply for work there as a Driver you must be a really desperate ass, and if you are a customer using them same applies because there are simply too many other companies to choose from besides enabling this fucked-up company ! , and you should cancel all your contracts with them immediately for abusing Drivers !
"Jimmy Hoffa" the founder of the Teamsters Union died / disappeared fighting for the rights of "Truckers", and the same war / environment that he was fighting at that time still exists, "Drivers -vs- Corporations / Corporations -vs- Drivers", not shit has changed, Corporations are still abusing Drivers and if you are doing business with UpDike Distribution Logistics then you are part of and contributing to the the abuse of Drivers, simple !
I was born at "Womack Army Hospital, Fort Bragg Green Beret Special Forces Army Hospital", Vietnam Era !, my Father was a Decorated War Hero, Two Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, 82nd Airborne Green Beret, three tours In-Country Vietnam, 6 years when his country only asked one tour of him, 2 years, eventually died of Brain Cancer after two open heart surgeries at the VA Hospital !
The only reason that I drive is because my fallen Brother was a Army Diesel Mechanic and always wanted to get his CDL and never did, upon his passing I went and got the CDL in honor of him, honestly I don't think that he knew or had any idea what it was that he was wishing for now that I've been through more than one less than reputable Trucking Company like UpDike Distribution Logistics !, by education I'm a AeroSpace STC Modifications Design Engineer, Patent Draftsman and Architectural Designer, you can check the Drawings to TERRAVITA Golf and Country Club in ScottsDale, Arizona, your find my name on them, "Honor Graduate", ITT Technical Institure / DeVry University !
My only living Brother is a Navy Nuclear Engineer out of the Navy's Nuclear Power School having served on the USS Norfolk Aircraft Carrier and the USN Jacksonville Los Angeles Class Fast Attack Submarine and has now been managing a Nuclear Power Plant for Florida Power and Light for the last 35 years !
My Mother the Military wife, half Cherokee Indian was a Surgical Technologist for 30 years and died of Lymphoma Cancer at Lawnwood Medical Center where she worked, they placed her in the Presidential Suite of the Hospital for her years of Service, upon her passing we flew her body back to Augusta, GA and all the surgeons that she worked with in the ER and Surgery flew with her body and carried her to her final resting place as her Pallbearers, all her Pallbearers were Surgeons !, she raised us not to be racists, but unfortunately I chose one of the most racist places in the USA to live, ARIZONA !
The U.S. Navy offered me and my wife the opportunity to enter Naval Intelligence as a Husband-Wife team at the age of 17 and 18 we were on delayed-entry contract, won't say anymore about that !
But I will say this, in my 55 years on this earth, I have never seen a Shasta ass company such as UpDike Distribution Logistics in my entire life !
My youngest son is a USMC Silent Drill Team Rifle Inspector and now against my wishes a Phoenix Police Officer, I would have rather seen him stay in the Marines compared to protecting these racists here in Phoenix !
Me ?, I have a 120 acre ranch here in Lake Havasu, Arizona, and a House/Home and Restaurant in Mexico south of Mexico City, have lived in Mexico now for 13 years south of the Border !, not bad for a Black America I guess !, 2 years with two Cancun Condos directly on the beach with the beach as my front yard !
. . . . . . . . when I came back to the USA after having lived in Mexico for 9 years straight, I actually had to get use to being "Black In America" again, because in Mexico it made no difference, so I imagine that I found down in Mexico exactly what I was looking for, the "Escape of Racism in the USA" !
Currently working my way back to Mexico to my home in Mexico after a 3-year deportation from Mexico for 3-years, have not seen my daughter or wife in Mexico for 3-years ! Innocently done, in Mexico when one has a child born in Mexico the Mexican Government actually gives one Mexican Citizenship, so I stopped doing the 6-month run to the border to renew my Visa, didn't know that I actually had to apply for the CitizenShip, so upon discovery that I had overstayed by 3-years Mexico deported me for 3-years, that ended last December, I can go home now !
When I go back home to Mexico now I'll have dual citizenship, 50% American and 50% Mexican !
Carl Williams
(Don Carlitos)